How to make over 100,000 from YouTube per month from Scratch

  • The First thing is to get a topic/niche that you are comfortable in, this will make you go the extra mile because it’s something you are interested in.
  • Start Creating your videos consistently, make sure you upload at least 10 to 15 videos in the first week, don’t mind how your videos look like it’s just the start but make sure to improve them as time goes by.
  • Try to create videos that are at least 10 minutes to increase your watch hours.
  • Market your YouTube channel through all your social media platforms i.e WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc tell your followers what you do on your channel and provide them with a link if they are interested.
  • Try as much as possible to engage with your audience and ask them what they want to see in your channel in your future videos and what to improve on.
  • Link up with successful YouTubers who do the same thing that you do and do collaborations with them, even if it goes to the extent of paying them something small to do that this will help to drive their audience to your channel I mean nothing really comes for free
  • Be authentic don’t imitate what maybe someone does in their channel, people like uniqueness
  • Make an effort to appreciate all your viewers and subscribers this will make them feel appreciated, I mean everybody wants to be recognized and appreciated anywhere this will make them stick with you or maybe invite their friends
  • It takes a YouTuber quite a long time to earn good money but if you do it with passion and put all your time and energy I promise you won’t regret it.

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